
Providing Medical Care For The
Sickest In Our Community

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Bioequivalence/Bioavailability Studies

Bioavailability of drug is to measure its extent of absorption (percentage) in the systemic circulation when given…

Clinical Services

Clinical facility is a state-of-the-art infrastructure, spread over approximately 42,000 square feet covered area. The Clinical facility…

Bioanalytical Services

Leveraging state-of-the-art instrumentation, techniques, and facilities, our team of experts has experience in a broad range of…

Quality Assurance Services

We provide elevated experiences guided by our aim to deliver best-in-class Quality Assurance, ensuring compliance and supporting…

Medical Writing

Working with MCS’s skilled, multidisciplinary, medical writing team, you will benefit from the deep knowledge of our…

Skill development

To enhance the skill of students, MCS team is committed to provide the skill development services to…